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Triumph for MAB team at Kaktus Cup 2017

Kaktus-Cup 2017
The MAB-Team (left to right). Back row: Stephan Bürkle, Jonas Gärtner, Sebastian Andris, Nils Hillebrandt. Front row: Lukas Wenger, Carsten Radtke, Benjamin Andris, Dominik Hiltmann. Missing: Nicolai Bluthardt. Very front row: Kaktus Cup.

For the first time, the MAB football team has won the prestigious Interinstitutional Interfacultative Kaktus Cup in which institutes of the faculties Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering compete against each other. A strong team perfomance and solid defence were key factors in this success. In a tough final, the Institute for Thermal Turbomachines (ITS) could be defeated 1:0.