Dr.-Ing. Pascal Baumann
- Postdoc
- Raum: R. 105
- Tel.: +49 721 608 47530
- Fax: +49 721 608 46240
- pascal baumann ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Engler-Bunte-Ring 3
Gebäude 40.12
76131 Karlsruhe
Lebenslauf und Publikationen
Akademischer CV
01/2012 - jetzt | Doktorand am Institut für Bio- und Lebensmitteltechnik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
04/2011 - 10/2011 | Diplomarbeit: Optimierung der Partikel basierten Festphasensynthese hochdichter Peptidarrays durch Laser Fusing - Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
01/2011 – 05/2011 | Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft: Isothermen für hydrophobe Interaktionschromatographie - Institut für Bio- und Lebensmitteltechnik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
05/2010 - 11/2010 | Studienarbeit: Fehlerursprungs- und Fehlerfortpflanzungsanalyse mit Monte-Carlo Simulationen am Beispiel robotergestützter Bindungsstudien für Proteinadsorption - Institut für Bio- und Lebensmitteltechnik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
10/2009 - 03/2010 | Industriepraktikum: Pilot-scale Validierung und CFD Simulationen im Bereich Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) Processing/ Extraction sowie Mikrowellen Sterilisation - CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences in Werribee (Melbourne), Australien |
10/2006 - 10/2011 | Studium des Bioingenieurwesens am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
Kombinierte Hochdurchsatz Prozessentwicklung (HTPD) im Kultivierungs- und Aufarbeitungbereich (Up- und Downstream Processing).
P. Baumann, K. Baumgartner, J. Hubbuch, Influence of Binding pH and Protein Solubility on the Dynamic Binding Capacity in Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography, J. Chrom. A (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2015.04.001.
P. Baumann, N. Bluthardt, S. Renner, H. Burghardt, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch, Integrated development of up- and downstream processes supported by the Cherry-Tag for real-time tracking of stability and solubility of proteins, J. Biotechnol. 200 (2015) 27-37, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiotec.2015.02.024.
P. Baumann, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch, Systematic purification of salt-intolerant proteins by ion-exchange chromatography: The example of Human α-Galactosidase A, Eng. Life Sci. 15 (2015) 195-207, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/elsc.201400210.
A. Osberghaus, P. Baumann, S. Hepbildikler, S. Nath, M. Haindl, E. von Lieres, J. Hubbuch, Detection, quantification, and propagation of uncertainty in high-throughput experimentation by monte carlo methods, Chem. Eng. Technol. 35 (2012) 1456-1464, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ceat.201100610.
K. Knoerzer, P. Baumann, R. Buckow, An iterative modelling approach for improving the performance of a pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment chamber, Computers & Chemical Engineering 37 (2012) 48-63, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2011.09.002.
R. Buckow, P. Baumann, S. Schroeder, K. Knoerzer, Effect of dimensions and geometry of co-field and co-linear pulsed electric field treatment chambers on electric field strength and energy utilisation, Journal of Food Engineering 105 (2011) 545-556, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.03.019.
R. Buckow, S. Schroeder, P. Berres, P. Baumann, K. Knoerzer, Simulation and Evaluation of Pilot-Scale Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) Processing, Journal of Food Engineering 101 (2010) 67-77, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2010.06.010.
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, J. Hubbuch, Integrated bioprocess development based on microscale cultivations and feed stock characterization by chromatography modeling, 249th ACS National MeetingExposition, Denver, USA, 24. March 2015.
P. Baumann, K. Baumgartner, J. Hubbuch, Influence of pH and protein solubility on the dynamic binding capacity in hydrophobic interaction chromatography, 11th PhD Seminar on Chromatographic Separation Science, Sundern, Germany, 17. February 2015.
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, N. Bluthardt, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch, combined optimization of up- and downstream processes based on high-throughput cultivations and chromatography modeling, 34th International symposium on the separation of proteins, peptides and polynucleotides (ISPPP), Würzburg, Germany, 05. November 2014.
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, N. Bluthardt, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch, Glutathione-S-Transferase from Escherichia coli: high-throughput micro-scale cultivations and chromatography modeling as powerful tools for integrated process development, 3rd International Conference on High-Throughput Process Development (HTPD), Siena, Italy, 08. October 2014.
T. Hahn, P. Baumann, T. Huuk, J. Hubbuch, Rapid process development with UV absorption based inverse modelling of protein chromatography, 3rd International Conference on High-Throughput Process Development (HTPD), Siena, Italy, 08. October 2014.
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, N. Bluthardt, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch, High-throughput micro-scale cultivations and chromatography modeling: powerful tools for integrated process development (Malcolm Lilly Award Presentation), 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop), Lille, France, 10. September 2014.
P. Baumann, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch, A systematic HTS strategy in ion exchange chromatography for protein purification by salt gradient or pH shift, 10th PhD Seminar on Chromatographic Separation Science, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands, 24. February 2014.
P. Baumann Optimization of a particle based solid-phase synthesis of highly dense peptide arrays by Laser-Fusing (Emil Kirschbaum Award Presentation), Tag der Fakultät - KIT Graduation Ceremony, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2013.
P. Baumann, F. Kroener, A. Osberghaus, S. Hansen, J. Hubbuch, Elution pH screening in ion exchange chromatography: a global tool for downstream development by pH shift, 9th PhD Seminar on Chromatographic Separation Science, Weggis, Switzerland, 25. February 2013.
M. Degerman, B. Nilsson, A. Osberghaus, P. Baumann, T. Huuk, J. Hubbuch, M. Wiendahl, From data to knowledge: A model based approach to design high throughput experiments, Recovery of Biological Products XV, Stowe, USA, 29. Juli-3. August 2012.
P. Baumann, N. Bluthardt, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch, Optimization of up- and downstream processes using Cherry-tagged proteins – product tracking by simple absorbance measurements, 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop), Lille, France, 10. September 2014.
P. Baumann, N. Bluthardt, T. Hahn, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch, Integral optimization of up- and downstream processes by high throughput cultivations and in silico chromatography predictions, 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop), Lille, France, 10. September 2014.
P. Baumann, F. Kroener, A. Osberghaus, S. Hansen, J. Hubbuch, Development of a universal downstream strategy: pH shift in ion exchange chromatography, 2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB), The Hague, Netherlands, April 2013.
Malcolm Lilly Award 2014 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop), Lille, France, 10. September 2014.
Dechema Student Award 2013 Dechema House Award Ceremony, October 2013.
Emil Kirschbaum Award 2013 Tag der Fakultät - KIT Graduation Ceremony, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2013.