Dr.-Ing. Anna Osberghaus
- Postdoc
- Raum: R. 102
- Tel.: +49 721 608 46227
- Fax: +49 721 608 46240
- anna osberghaus ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Fritz-Haber-Weg 7
Gebäude 30.91
76131 Karlsruhe
Lebenslauf und Publikationen
05/2012 - 10/2015 |
PostDoc und Gruppenleiter, Mathematische Verfahren in der Downstream Prozessentwicklung |
05/2008 – 04/2012 |
Institut für Bio- und Lebensmitteltechnik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) |
02/2008 – 04/2008 |
Institut für Biotechnologie 2, Forschungszentrum Jülich |
05/2007 – 12/2007 |
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Institut für Biotechnologie 2 |
Diplomarbeit: “Robuste Parameterschätzung, Modelldiskriminierung und optimale Versuchsplanung am Beispiel von In-vitro-Datensätzen zur Benzaldehydlyase“ |
02/2006 – 07/2006 |
Erasmus-gefördertes Studium der Mathematik und Soziologie |
03/2005 – 04/2005 |
Praktikum |
10/2002 – 12/2007 |
Studium der Mathematik mit Schwerpunkt in den Biowissenschaften |
Mathematische Verfahren in der Downstream Prozessentwicklung, Multivariate Datenanalyse, (Chromatographie-)Modellierung, Versuchsplanung, Zeitreihenanalyse
Nina Brestrich, Sigrid Hansen, Anna Osberghaus, Jürgen Hubbuch
A label-free methodology for selective in-line quantification of co-eluting proteins in chromatography by means of spectral data
Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing, Castelldefels, Spain, October 20-24, 2013
Marcus Degerman, Bernt Nilsson, Anna Osberghaus, Pascal Baumann, Thiemo Huuk, Jürgen Hubbuch
Reducing the Analytical Burden of HTS
SPICA, Brussels, Belgium, 30. September - 3. October, 2012
Recovery of Biological Products 15, Stowe, USA, 29. July - 3. August,2012
Patrick Diederich, Anna Osberghaus, Jürgen Hubbuch
Error Analysis & Characterization of µL-scale Column Chromatography performed on Liquid Handling Stations
HTPD, Avignon, France, 4.-7. June, 2012
Model based diagnostics and control of processes in ion exchange chromatography
Ideenwettbewerb BW, Stuttgart, Germany, 16.-18. January, 2012
Anna Osberghaus, Pascal Baumann, Jürgen Hubbuch
Propagation of error: Uncertainty analyses in high throughput experimentation
ECAB Conference, Berlin, Germany, 25.-29. September, 2011
Anna Osberghaus, Stefan Hepbildikler, Hans Rogl, Susanne Nath, Eric von Lieres, Jürgen Hubbuch
Combination of HTE and Mechanistic Modeling for a Rapid and Highly Predictive Optimization of an Ion Exchange Chromatography Step
HTPD Conference, (Krakau, Polen), 5.-7. Oktober, 2010
Anna Siudak, Eric von Lieres, Christine Müller
Mathematical modelling – a short overview of benefits and shortcomings based on enzyme catalysis data as a case study
KIT PhD Symposium, (Karlsruhe), 17. März, 2009
Thiemo Huuk, Tobias Hahn, Anna Osberghaus, Jürgen Hubbuch
Model-Based Concerted Optimization of Consecutive Chromatography Steps
Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing, Castelldefels ,Spain, October 20-24, 2013
Pascal Baumann, Frieder Kröner, Anna Osberghaus, Sigrid Hansen, Jürgen Hubbuch
Development of a universal downstream strategy: pH shift in ion exchange chromatography
2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Netherlands, The Hague, April 21-25, 2013
Anna Osberghaus, Tobias Hahn, Vincent Heuveline, Jürgen Hubbuch
Model based diagnostics and control of processes in ion exchange chromatography
DECHEMA Conference, Potsdam, 30. Mai – 1. Juni, 2011
Anna Siudak, Eric von Lieres, Susanne Nath, Jürgen Hubbuch
Unavoidable variance trends in data obtained by experiments on robotic platforms – how to consider such effects in model parameter estimation
PROCESSNET Jahrestagung, Mannheim, 8-10. Sept, 2009
Eric von Lieres, Patrick Diederich, Anna Siudak, Arthur Susanto, Katrin Treier, Jürgen Hubbuch
Optimization of High Throughput Process Optimization
Recovery XIII (Quebec, Kanada), 22. – 27. Juni, 2008
Anna Osberghaus, Katharina Drechsel, Sigrid Hansen, Stefan Hepbildikler, Susanne Nath, Markus Haindl, Eric von Lieres, Jürgen Hubbuch
Model-integrated process development demonstrated on the optimization of a robotic cation exchange step
Chemical Engineering Science, 76 (2012) 129-139
Katrin Treier, Annette Berg, Patrick Diederich, Katharina Lang, Anna Osberghaus, Florian Dismer, Jürgen Hubbuch
Examination of a genetic algorithm for the application in high-throughput down-stream process development
Biotechnology Journal, 7(10) (2012) 1203-1215
Anna Osberghaus, Pascal Baumann, Stefan Hepbildikler, Susanne Nath, Markus Haindl, Eric von Lieres, Jürgen Hubbuch
Detection, quantification and propagation of uncertainty in high throughput experimentation by Monte-Carlo methods
Chemical Engineering Technology, 35 (2012) 1456-64
Anna Osberghaus, Stefan Hepbildikler, Susanne Nath, Markus Haindl, Eric von Lieres, Jürgen Hubbuch
Determination of parameters for the steric mass action model - A comparison between experimental and modeling approaches
Journal of Chromatography A, 1233 (2012) 54-65
Anna Osberghaus, Stefan Hepbildikler, Susanne Nath, Markus Haindl, Eric von Lieres, Jürgen Hubbuch
Optimizing a chromatographic three component separation: A comparison of mechanistic and empiric modeling approaches
Journal of Chromatography A, 1237 (2012) 86-95
Anna Siudak, Eric von Lieres, Christine Müller
Estimation, model discrimination, and experimental design for implicitly given nonlinear models of enzyme catalyzed chemical reactions
Mathematica Slovaca (2008)