A sub-two minutes method for monoclonal antibody-aggregate quantification using parallel interlaced size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography
Patrick Diederich, Sigrid K. Hansen, Stefan A. Oelmeier, Jürgen Hubbuch
Journal of Chromaography A, in press
- Datum: 2011
In process development and during commercial production of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) the monitoring of aggregate levels is obligatory. The standard assay for mAb aggregate quantification is based on size exclusion chromatography (SEC) performed on a HPLC system. Advantages hereof are high precision and simplicity, however, standard SEC methodology is very time consuming. With an average throughput of usually two samples per hour, it neither fits to high throughput process development (HTPD), nor is it applicable for purification process monitoring. We present a comparison of three different SEC columns for mAb-aggregate quantification addressing throughput, resolution, and reproducibility. A short column (150 mm) with sub-two micron particles was shown to generate high resolution (∼1.5) and precision (coefficient of variation (cv) < 1) with an assay time below 6 min. This column type was then used to combine interlaced sample injections with parallelization of two columns aiming for an absolute minimal assay time. By doing so, both lag times before and after the peaks of interest were successfully eliminated resulting in an assay time below 2 min. It was demonstrated that determined aggregate levels and precision of the throughput optimized SEC assay were equal to those of a single injection based assay. Hence, the presented methodology of parallel interlaced SEC (PI-SEC) represents a valuable tool addressing HTPD and process monitoring.