Directions to the Chair
Access to campus via "Haupteinfahrt"

A complete map of the KIT Campus South can be found here: KIT map
Administration, Offices and Labs | Offices |
Fritz-Haber-Weg 2 Building 30.44 76131 Karlsruhe |
Fritz-Haber-Weg 7 Building 30.91 76131 Karlsruhe |
Directions to the KIT
By car
- From the west:
as described under "from the north" - From the north:
Take the A5 towards Karlsruhe/Basel and get off at the Karlsruhe - Durlach exit. Continue driving towards Karlsruhe (first exit). Follow the four-lane highway until you reach the sign "KIT-Campus Süd" and turn to the right. - From the east:
Take the A8 towards Karlsruhe until you reach the Karlsruhe junction. Proceed from there towards the A5 direction Frankfurt. Take the Karlsruhe - Durlach exit and proceed as described in "from the north" - From the south:
Take the A5 direction Frankfurt, take the Karlsruhe - Durlach exit and proceed as in "from the North". - If you come by car and want to drive onto the campus, please use the eastern entrance ( see map) and ask for permit at the gate.
By train
- Leave the train station by the main exit and walk towards the streetcar stop. All of the streetcars that drive in from the left and leave to the right will take you to the city or to the university. To reach the university take the line 2 to Wolfartsweiler, the line 3 to Heide or the line S4 to Bretten/Gölshausen (or Heilbronn). Get off at the station Kronenplatz or Durlacher Tor / KIT-Campus Süd. More information about public transportation is provided under KVV. The train schedule of the Deutsche Bahn offers you information about how to reach Karlsruhe by train.
By plane
- From Stuttgart:
Information about the Stuttgart Airport can be found here (Stuttgarter Flughafen). When you arrive at the Stuttgart Airport, proceed as described in "by car" or "by train". There is a shuttle bus from the airport to the main station. The starting point of the train is called "Stuttgart Hbf" - From Frankfurt:
Information about the Frankfurt Airport can be found here (Frankfurter Flughafen). When you arrive at the Frankfurt Airport, proceed as described in "by car" or "by train". The starting point of the train is called either "Frankfurt Flughafen" (when you take the train directly from the airport) or "Frankfurt Hbf" (when you take the train from the main station in Frankfurt). - From Baden-Baden:
Information about the Baden Airport can be found here (Badenairpark). When you arrive there take the bus 205 direction Merkurwald, to the main station Baden-Baden (~30 min). From Baden-Baden take the train to Karlsruhe main station (~20 min). Proceed as described in "by car" or "by train".