Dr.-Ing. Tobias Hahn
- Scholarship holder
- room: R. 103
- phone: +49 721 754 01691
- fax: +49 721 608 46240
- tobias hahn ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
CV and Publications
Scientific CV
12/2011 - now |
Research associate at Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) |
12/2009 - 12/2011
Research associate and PhD student at Institute of Applied and Numerical Mathematics 4 and Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab |
Diploma thesis: „Numerical simulation of 3D particulate flows based on GPU technology“ |
11/2008 - 07/2009
Student assistant, AG Numerical Simulation, Optimization and High-performance Computing, University of Karlsruhe (TH): Application of Graphics processing units in meteorological simulation software |
07/2007- 10/2007
Internship with EADS Military Air Systems: |
08/2006 – 06/2007
Studies in technical physics at KTH Stockholm, Sweden (Erasmus scholarship) |
10/2003 – 10/2009
Studies in Technomathematics at University of Karlsruhe (TH) with focus on numerical mathematics, information technology and high-performance computing |
Research Projects
Numerical simulation of chromatographic processes, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), multi-objective optimization, HPC and GPU computing
Publications (until 06/2015)
T. Hahn, T. Huuk, V. Heuveline, J. Hubbuch
Simulating and Optimizing Preparative Protein Chromatography with ChromX
Journal of Chemical Education 06/2015; DOI:10.1021/ed500854a
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, J. Hubbuch
High-throughput micro-scale cultivations and chromatography modeling: Powerful tools for integrated process development
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 05/2015; DOI:10.1002/bit.25630
T. Hahn, T.C. Huuk, A. Osberghaus, K. Doninger, S. Nath, S. Hepbildikler, V. Heuveline, J. Hubbuch
Calibration-free inverse modeling of ion-exchange chromatography in industrial antibody purification
Engineering in Life Sciences 05/2015; DOI:10.1002/elsc.201400248
T. Hahn, P. Baumann, T. Huuk, V. Heuveline, J. Hubbuch
UV absorption-based inverse modelling of protein chromatography
Engineering in Life Sciences 04/2015; DOI:10.1002/elsc.201400247
T. Huuk, T. Hahn, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch
Model-based integrated optimization and evaluation of a multi-step ion exchange chromatography,
Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 136, 5 November 2014, Pages 207-222.
T. Hahn, A. Sommer, A. Osberghaus, V. Heuveline, J. Hubbuch
Adjoint-based estimation and optimization for column liquid chromatography models
Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 64, 7 May 2014, Pages 41-54
T. Hahn, M. Schönfelder, P. Jochem, V. Heuveline, W. Fichtner
Model-Based Quantification of Load Shift Potentials and Optimized Charging of Electric Vehicles
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy 08/2013, 4(5):388.
Anzt, H., Augustin, W., Baumann, M., Gengenbach, T., Hahn, T., Helfrich-Schkarbanenko, A., Heuveline, V., Ketelaer, E., Lukarski, D., Nestler, A., Ritterbusch, S., Rocker, B., Ronnås, S., Schick, M., Schmidtobreick, M., Subramanian, C., Weiss, J.-P., Wilhelm, F. & Wlotzka, M.
HiFlow3 – A Multi-Purpose and Flexible Parallel Finite Element Package
Proceedings of the 5th Open Source CFD International Conference, 11/2011
Anzt, H., Augustin, W., Baumann, M., Gengenbach, T., Hahn, T., Helfrich-Schkarbanenko, A., Heuveline, V., Ketelaer, E., Lukarski, D., Nestler, A., Ritterbusch, S., Ronnås, S., Schick, M., Schmidtobreick, M., Subramanian, C., Weiss, J.-P., Wilhelm, F. & Wlotzka, M.
HiFlow3 - A Hardware-Aware Parallel Finite Element Package
Proceedings of the 5th Parallel Tools Workshop 09/2011
Anzt, H., Augustin, W., Baumann, M., Bockelmann, H., Gengenbach, T., Hahn, T., Heuveline, V., Ketelaer, E., Lukarski, D., Otzen, A., Ritterbusch, S., Rocker, B., Ronnås, S., Schick, M., Subramanian, C., Weiss, J. & Wilhelm, F.
Hiflow3 - A Flexible and Hardware-Aware Parallel Finite Element Package
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing, 10/2010
H. Anzt, T. Hahn, V. Heuveline, B. Rocker
GPU Accelerated Scientific Computing: Evaluation of the NVIDIA Fermi Architecture; Elementary Kernels and Linear Solver
Proceedings oft the 2nd International Workshop on New Frontiers in High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing (HipHaC'11), February 2011
T. Hahn, V. Heuveline, B. Rocker
GPU-based Simulation of Particulate Flows with CUDA
PARS-Mitteilungen vol. 26, June 2009
T. Hahn, T.C. Huuk, V. Heuveline, J. Hubbuch
In silico scale-down/scale-up of column liquid chromatography using a generalized porous media equation
Dechema-Himmelfahrtstagung Scale-up and scale-down of bioprocesses, May 2015, Hamburg-Bergedorf, Germany.
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, N. Bluthardt, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch
Combined optimization of up- and downstream processes based on high-throughput cultivations and chromatography modeling
34th International symposium on the separation of proteins, peptides and polynucleotides (ISPPP), November 05, 2014, Würzburg, Germany.
P. Baumann, N. Bluthardt, T. Hahn, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch
Integral optimization of up- and downstream processes by high throughput cultivations and in silico chromatography predictions
10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop), Lille, France, 10. September 2014.
T. Hahn, V. Heuveline, J. Hubbuch
The ChromX software package for liquid chromatography: success stories
Recovery of Biological Products Conference XVI, Rostock, Germany, July 27-31, 2014.
T. Huuk, T. Hahn, A. Osberghaus, Jürgen Hubbuch
Model-based concerted optimization of consecutive chromatogrphy steps
Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing, October 20-24, 2013, Castelldefels
T. Hahn, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch, V. Heuveline
Model based diagnostics and control of processes in ion exchange chromatography
2nd Indo-German Workshop on separation engineering, 20.-22.2.2012
A. Osberghaus, T. Hahn, J. Hubbuch, V. Heuveline
Model based diagnostics and control of processes in ion exchange chromatography
Ideenwettbewerb Biotechnologie und Medizintechnik Baden-Württemberg, 16.-18.1.2012
T. Hahn, A. Osberghaus, V. Heuveline, J. Hubbuch
Simulation and parameter estimation in protein separation
Summer School and Workshop: Fluid-Structure Interaction for Biomedical Applications, 29.8.-2.9.2011
A. Osberghaus, T. Hahn, V. Heuveline, J. Hubbuch
Model based diagnostics and control of processes in ion exchange chromatography
DECHEMA Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen, 30.05.2011 - 01.06.2011
T. Hahn, V. Heuveline, B. Rocker
Fluid and particulate flows with CUDA: GPU accelerated scientific computing (Best Poster Award)
Deutsch-Französische Sommerschule der DFH 2010, 6.-10.9.2010
T. Hahn, V. Heuveline, B. Rocker
GPU-based Simulation of Particulate Flows with CUDA
22nd PARS Workshop, 4./5.6.2009
T. Hahn, G. Wang, T.C. Huuk, J. Hubbuch
Efficient and reliable model calibration in column chromatography with Optimal Experimental Design (OED)
249th ACS National MeetingExposition, Denver, USA, 26. March 2015.
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, J. Hubbuch
Integrated bioprocess development based on microscale cultivations and feed stock characterization by chromatography modeling
249th ACS National MeetingExposition, Denver, USA, 24. March 2015.
T. Hahn, G. Wang, T.C. Huuk, J. Hubbuch
Efficient and reliable model calibration in column chromatography with Optimal Experimental Design (OED)
HIC/RPC Bioseparation Conference, Sliema, Malta, 16. March 2015
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, N. Bluthardt, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch
Combined optimization of up- and downstream processes based on high-throughput cultivations and chromatography modeling
34th International symposium on the separation of proteins, peptides and polynucleotides (ISPPP), Würzburg, Germany, 05. November 2014.
T. Hahn, P. Baumann, T. Huuk, J. Hubbuch
Rapid process development with UV ab-sorption based inverse modelling of protein chromatography
3rd International Conference on High-Throughput Process Development (HTPD), Siena, Italy, 08. October 2014.
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, N. Bluthardt, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch
Glutathione-S-Transferase from Escherichia coli: high-throughput microscale cultivations and chromatography modeling as powerful tools for integrated process development
3rd International Conference on High-Throughput Process Development (HTPD), October 08, 2014, Siena, Italy.
P. Baumann, T. Hahn, N. Bluthardt, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch
High-throughput microscale cultivations and chromatography modeling: powerful tools for integrated process development (Malcolm Lilly Award Presentation),
10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop), September 10, 2014, Lille, France.
T. Huuk, T. Hahn, A. Osberghaus, J. Griesbach, S. Hepbildikler, J. Hubbuch
Scalability of Mechanistic Models for Ion Exchange Chromatography
PREP 2014 – 27th International Symposium on Preparative and Process Chromatography, Boston, USA, 20.-23. Juli 2014.
T. Huuk, T. Hahn, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch
Model-Based Integrated Optimization and Evaluation of a Multi-Step Ion Exchange Chromatography
10th PhD Seminar on Chromatographic Separation Science, Egmond aan Zee, Niederlande, 23.-25. Februar 2014.
T. Huuk, T. Hahn, A. Bogutzki, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch
Model-based integrated optimization of multi-step ion exchange chromatography
2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB), The Hague, Niederlande, 15. April 2013.
T. Huuk, T. Hahn, A. Bogutzki, A. Osberghaus, J. Hubbuch
Optimization of multi-step ion exchange chromatography: A model-based approach
9th PhD Seminar on Chromatographic Separation Science, Weggis, Schweiz, 23.-25. Februar 2013.
A. Osberghaus, T. Hahn, J. Hubbuch, V. Heuveline
Model based diagnostics and control of processes in ion exchange chromatography
Ideenwettbewerb Biotechnologie und Medizintechnik Baden-Württemberg, 17.2.2012
GPU Accelerated Scientific Computing: Evaluation of the NVIDIA Fermi Architecture; Elementary Kernels and Linear Solvers
Second International Workshop on New Frontiers in High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing (HipHaC'11), 13. Februar 2011