Dr.-Ing. Florian Dismer

  • Fritz-Haber-Weg 2
    76131 Karlsruhe

Lebenslauf und Publikationen




Wissenschaftlicher CV


12/2009 - 12/2012

Post-Doc am Institut für Bio- und Lebensmitteltechnik, KIT

03/2008 - 12/2009

Doktorand am Institut für Bio- und Lebensmitteltecknik, TU Karlsruhe (Umzug der Arbeitsgruppe)

11/2005 -02/2008

Doktorand am Institut für Biotechnologie 2, Forschungszentrum Jülich


Diplom in Biologie (technisch orientiert)

12/2005 -08/2006

Diplomarbeit: Nuclear receptor families LXR and PPAR: A thermodynamic approach to characterize their interaction

Drug Discovery and Design Center, Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai

05/2003 -07/2003

Studienarbeit: Optimization of the sterilization- and filling-procedure of an interferon α-2a based drug

Roche Pharmaceuticals, Shanghai

12/2002 -07/2003

Industripraktikum bei Roche Pharmaceuticals, Shanghai

Sterile Produktion von Pharmazeutika

10/1999 -08/2005

Studium der Technischen Biologie an der Universität Stuttgart



Charakterisierung der Adsorptionsvorgänge an Ionentauscher Materialien



Florian Dismer, Chris Teske, Jürgen Hubbuch

Effects of Alterations in Protein Surface Composition on the Retention Behavior in Ion Exchange Chromatography

GVC/Dechema-Kongress „Industrielle Biotechnologie und Gewinnung von Produkten“, 22.-24. May 2006, Würzburg


Florian Dismer, Jürgen Hubbuch

Determination of lysozyme binding orientation on different adsorber materials

ISPPP (International Symposium on Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides), 17.-20. October 2006, Innsbruck





Florian Dismer, Jürgen Hubbuch

A novel approach to characterize the binding orientation of lysozyme on ion-exchange resins

Journal of Chromatography A, 1149 (2007) 312–320


Mojgan Kavoosi, Nooshafarin Sanaie, Florian Dismer, Jürgen Hubbuch, Douglas G. Kilburn, Charles A.


A Novel Two-Zone Protein Uptake Model for Affinity Chromatography and Its Application to the Description of Elution Band Profiles of Proteins Fused to a Family 9 Cellulose Binding Module Affinity Tag

Journal of Chromatography A


Florian Dismer, Martin Petzold, Jürgen Hubbuch

Effects of ionic strength and mobile phase pH on the binding orientation of lysozyme on different ion-exchange adsorbents
Journal of Chromatography A, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 8 January 2008

Jun Wang, Florian Dismer, Jürgen Hubbuch, Mathias Ulbricht

Detailed analysis of membrane adsorber pore structure and protein binding by advanced microscopy
Journal of Membrane Science, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 22 April 2008




Florian Dismer, Martin Petzold, Jürgen Hubbuch

Bindungsorientierung von Lysozym in Abhängigkeit von der Oberflächenstruktur verschiedener Ionenaustausch-Materialen

DECHEMA/GVC Tagung, “Aufarbeitung biotechnologischer Produkte”, Mai 2007, Osnabrück


Florian Dismer, Martin Petzold, Jürgen Hubbuch

A novel approach to determine the binding orientation of lysozyme on chromatographic adsorber surfaces

EFB-DSP, “International Workshop on Downstream Processing”, Mai 2007, Delft (Niederlande)


Florian Dismer, Martin Petzold, Jürgen Hubbuch

Lysozyme binding Orientation on different Adsorber Materials with varying pH and Ionic Strength

ISPPP 2007, Orlando (USA)